Visitors: 103144

Dyffryn Tanat and Region Development Trust
Chairman Ken Owen QGM
Consultant David Higman MBE

Nantmawr Lime Kilns

1875 map showing the upper limit of the Nantmawr branch line connecting with the lime kilns and the tramways coming down from the Nantmawr Quarry

Source Wilf Jones

1961 photo of Nantmawr lime kilns

Spring 1963 photo of GWR 0-6-0 pannier tank number 1663, arriving at Nantmawr Lime kilns after passing white gates crossing9see photo below.

Guard Sandy Powell attending t5o White Gates crossing.

April 1965 photo of BR 2MT 2-6-0 number 46510 leaving White Gates Crossing and heading towards Nantmawr Lime Kilns. Note the lineside P/Way hut, the chimney of this still stands there today.

Source Ken Owen.

Today looking from Whitegates crossing towards the P/Way hut remains.

Source Ken Owen.
© 2024 Oswestry Borderland Heritage | New material added and updated October 2023 | Hosted by Weboriel